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Headteacher's Summer Term Welcome

Dear Parents/carers,

I am just writing to welcome you and your children to the summer term at St Mary’s.

I hope you had a relaxing break over Easter and were able to enjoy the nice weather and lifting of some restrictions.

I am very much looking forward to this term and it is refreshing that all pupils could return on the same day and be in school together!  Thank you so much for your incredible cooperation and patience throughout this year and let’s hope that from this point onwards, we can move forward without so many other considerations.  Thank you also for your help with home testing and for letting us know the results of this, it is so important that we continue to take measures to ensure the safety of our school community.

Unfortunately, during the Easter holiday’s we received the terribly sad news that former Assistant Head, Mike Kennedy passed away on the 14th April.  Mike had recently been admitted to hospital following a suspected tumour and he was receiving palliative care at home from his wife and children.  Mike was a wonderful teacher, colleague, leader and friend to many during his considerable service to St Mary’s which began on 1st September 1983 and concluded when he recently retired on 31st August 2019.  St Mary’s was a huge part of Mike’s life and his contribution will never be forgotten.  I had the unusual situation of being taught by Mike and then in recent years working alongside him in the school’s leadership team.

I am sure many of you will have had older children whom he taught and supported and I would ask that you keep Mike’s family in your thoughts and prayers at this time.  May he rest in peace.

I look forward to updating you on our progress throughout the summer term.

Best wishes

Stuart Wetson