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Latest news and announcements from St. Mary's R.C. High School


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  • 19/03/20

    Presentation Evening - Update

    Regretfully we have had to cancel Presentation Evening that was re-scheduled for 21st April 2020. Students may collect certificates before the end of the day tomorrow, they must do this in person or if someone is collecting on their behalf, they must be in possession of a letter signed by the stu...
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  • 18/03/20

    Covid-19 Update 18th March

    Dear Parents and Carers I am sure that by now you will have heard the news from the Prime Minister and Secretary of State that all schools in England are to close at the end of the day on Friday 20th March. As a result, St Mary’s will be open as usual for all year g...
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  • 16/03/20

    Covid-19 Update

    Latest Update re: Covid-19 Following the briefing given by the Prime Minister on Monday 16th March, you will no doubt be aware that there have been developments in the advice to the general public in an attempt to reduce the spread of Covid-19. One of the most significant developments is tha...
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  • 16/03/20

    Covid-19 Pupil Attendance

    Dear Parents/Carers   We are receiving a high number of enquiries regarding pupil attendance. There has been no change to the national guidance and pupils should be kept at home if they are displaying any of the symptoms of COVID-19 including a new dry, continuous cough or a fever/high...
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  • 13/03/20

    Covid-19 Update

    Dear Parents/Carer We want to reassure you that the school continues to update itself with information from Public Health England with regards to the ongoing Coronavirus situation and we are following their advice and guidance accordingly.  At the moment, the advice following the Government...
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  • 21/01/20

    Rags 2 Riches

      Dear Parent / Guardian Your child has/will be bringing a bag and a flyer home for this year’s Rags2Riches collection.  We have been involved with this for several years and raise approximately £500 each year for the school; but it also helps the environment by helpin...
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  • 16/12/19

    Junior Mayor

    Congratulations to Theo from St Mary's for being Hereford's new Junior Mayor.  We are all very proud and looking forward to hearing about events and functions he assists with.
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  • 12/12/19

    St Mary's Advent Carol Service - 19th December

    St. Mary's Advent Carol Service - Thursday 19th December From all here at St. Mary's we would like to extend to you a very warm invitation to join us in our annual Advent Carol Service 2019. As always, it promises to be a wonderful occasion, gathering together peoples from all across...
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  • 26/11/19

    Advent Fayre 6th December

    Our Advent Fayre this year is on the 6th December from 3.30pm. Please do come and join us. There will be various stalls and refreshments available. Lots of fun for the whole family!  
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  • 14/11/19

    School Closing Early

    School Closing Early We have taken the decision to close the school early due to the flooding and in order to ensure pupils and staff get home in the day light. Herefordshire Council School Transport are arranging for buses to come early to collect pupils and we are happy for parents to collec...
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  • 14/11/19

    POSTPONED - Presentation Evening

    POSTPONED - Presentation Evening Due to the extreme weather conditions and flooding we have taken the difficult decision to postpone tonight’s Presentation Evening to ensure the safety of guests and teachers alike. We also do not think it would be fair to go ahead with the evening when s...
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  • 12/11/19

    Journey's End

    We’re very excited to announce that our latest school production, ‘Journey’s End’ is in the final stages of rehearsal! Tickets will be on sale for at Reception St Mary’s RC High School or via Parentmail from Wednesday 13th November. Tickets will also be available to...
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