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Latest news and announcements from St. Mary's R.C. High School


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  • 15/07/20

    Year 11 Results Day

    Dear Students   As the summer term progresses, we are gradually receiving more information and guidance regarding this year’s results days and how this will be prepared. It has also been announced that an exam series in the Autumn term, November for GCSE’s, will go ahead in or...
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  • 14/07/20

    End of Term Letter and Arrangements for September

    Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s) I would like to start by thanking you all for your incredible support during what has been the most unusual and challenging period I can remember in over twenty years in the profession.  We are so grateful for your cooperation and contribution to the education and lea...
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  • 01/07/20

    Congratulations to Yasmin - 2 x British Rowing Champion

    Congratulations Yasmin – 2 X British Rowing Champion   A huge congratulations to Yasmin who competed in the British Rowing Virtual Championships this weekend and became a National Champion in 2 different events.  These events were held on indoor rowers and she competed against...
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  • 11/06/20

    Preparations For Year 10

    Preparations for the Phased Return of Year 10 Week Commencing Monday 15th June Dear all I just wanted to make you aware of the considerable preparations that are currently taking place at St Mary’s in order to ensure that the school is as safe as it can possibly be for you and the pupils...
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  • 20/05/20

    Letter from the Headteacher

    Dear Parents and Carers Firstly, I hope that at the time of reading this update, you and your families are keeping well during what has been an incredibly challenging period. We have all had to adapt and change the way we live our lives, and this looks set to continue for some time to come. One o...
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  • 18/05/20

    May Half Term

    Dear Parents/Carers Just to let you know that St Mary’s will be open for those pupils whose parents are key workers and other identified pupils throughout the forthcoming half-term holiday – week commencing 25th May 2020. School remains closed for all other pupils until further notice...
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  • 19/04/20

    Headteacher's Update - Summer Term

    Dear Parents/Carers Ordinarily, at this time of year, I would be writing in anticipation of having your children back with us after their Easter break. Like everything else at the moment, it will feel very strange to start the Summer Term in an almost empty school. As you know, we remained open t...
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  • 02/04/20

    Easter Holidays

    Dear Parents/Carers Just a reminder that St Mary’s will remain closed for the vast majority of pupils for the foreseeable future and until such times as we are allowed to re-open the school. With the exception of Good Friday, 10th April, and Easter Monday, 13th April, the school will be...
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  • 01/04/20

    Letter from the Headteacher

    Dear Parent/Carers, I hope you and your families are all well during these very ‘different’ times.  I also want to thank you for the support you are giving to us and your children as they continue to work from home. Working and learning from home is obviously not the same, nor...
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  • 26/03/20

    Top Tips for Studying at Home

    We have created a list of top tips for studying at home. It also includes some online resources that might be helpful for students. You can find it under our 'For Students' tab.  Click here to take a look!
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  • 23/03/20

    Daily Prayer

    In troublesome times, we need to hold on to the important things, we need to keep faith; we need to keep hope. Therefore, let us pray each day as one community. For daily prayers please follow the school chaplaincy account on twitter @StMarysRCC  Prayer thread here.
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  • 20/03/20

    School Closure Update

    Dear Parents/Carers, As you will no doubt be aware, in an attempt to further control the spread of Covid-19, the government has decided to close schools in England. As a result, we have been directed to close St Mary’s from 3.30pm on Friday 20th March for the foreseeable future. We will...
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