Covid-19 Update
Latest Update re: Covid-19
Following the briefing given by the Prime Minister on Monday 16th March, you will no doubt be aware that there have been developments in the advice to the general public in an attempt to reduce the spread of Covid-19. One of the most significant developments is that of ‘Whole household’ isolation for 14 days should any member of the family show symptoms of the Covid-19 virus. So, to reiterate, if any member of your family is showing the symptoms such as a new continuous cough or high temperature above 37.8, then the whole family should isolate for a 2 week period. Any such absence will be authorised.
Schools are to remain open until directed otherwise by central government. We will continue to follow this advice until such times as this changes and we will endeavour to keep you updated promptly via Parentmail and our website.
In order to reduce social contact, I have taken the decision to postpone the Year 8 Parents’ Evening which was due to take place this Thursday 19th March and we hope to be able to reschedule this for later in the academic year.
Please can I also emphasise that we do not get any advance notification or warning of the government’s plans or staged advice and guidance. We receive the news at the same time as the general public and therefore would appreciate your patience in enabling us to respond accordingly.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank your children for their sensible and mature approach to this difficult situation and my staff for their ongoing support and commitment to our community at St Mary’s.
God Bless
Stuart Wetson