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Covid-19 Update 18th March

Dear Parents and Carers

I am sure that by now you will have heard the news from the Prime Minister and Secretary of State that all schools in England are to close at the end of the day on Friday 20th March. As a result, St Mary’s will be open as usual for all year groups tomorrow and Friday but will be closed from Monday 23rd March for the foreseeable future. I will be in touch with all parents again shortly with details about local provision for children of key workers (to be defined, e.g. health workers, social workers, delivery drivers) and other critical groups. I await further details on this and will be working with other local Headteachers in response to Government advice to ensure that Herefordshire continues to respond positively to the challenges presented by Covid-19.

Prior to closing the school on Friday 20th March, I will communicate details of the extensive educational support that we have been working on and that your children can access from their homes over the coming weeks. Please do not make individual enquiries about this as clear information and guidance will be communicated in due course.

The PHE advice remains the same regarding staying at home if your child is experiencing any of the symptoms of Covid-19, or if indeed they live in a household where any member has the symptoms. We will continue to request that you collect your child from school should they display any of the symptoms during Thursday 19th or Friday 20th March.

These are uncertain times, particularly for our Year 11 pupils. The briefing from the government stated that exams ‘will not take place in May or June as originally planned’. Beyond this, we await details but I will of course keep you updated.

May I once again thank you for your patience, cooperation and support. My job as Headteacher is made so much easier because of the commitment of my staff and the attitude and approach of your children; they have been absolutely brilliant and I am incredibly proud of them all.

God Bless and take care.


Stuart Wetson
