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Mrs C. Robins Head of English and Drama

Miss J. Squire Teacher of English

Mr S. Warde Teacher of English i/c Development of Teaching and Learning, Assistant Head

Mr A. Cassidy Teacher of English, Assistant Head i/c KS3

Mrs L. Challenger Part-time teacher of English

Mrs F. Price Part-time Teacher of English

Miss S. Stanbridge Part-time teacher of English

Mrs V. Budden Part-time Teacher of English

Mrs J. Thornton-Hopwood Part-time Teacher of English

Mrs A. Tasker School Librarian, i/c Accelerated Reader Programme 

The department also enjoys the support of several additional needs teaching assistants and the Additional Needs department.

Key Stage 3

All pupils are taught in mixed ability sets and have three English lessons a week. The department follows the National Curriculum and pupils in Year 7 and Year 8 undertake the Accelerated Reading Programme. Pupils are expected to bring a reading book to school every day. They should spend 30 minutes reading as a daily homework. Selected GCSE English Literature texts are taught in the latter half of Year 9 and there is an increasing emphasis on speaking and listening, drama and role-play in our lower school teaching.

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Key Stage 4

Pupils are taught in mixed ability sets in KS4 and all pupils take Pearson Edexcel’s English Language and Literature GCSEs. In Year 10 and Year 11 pupils have 7 or 8 hours of English curriculum time across the two week timetable. Pupils are provided with revision materials are encouraged to adopt an on-going, independent programme of revision and consolidation throughout KS4 to maximise their success.

GCSE Language and Literature Course Summaries

Our commitment to cross-curricular activities reflects our belief that English provides the basis for nearly all social and educational activities. Pupils are encouraged to utilise skills learnt in English across curricular and non-curricular activities. During their time at St-Mary’s pupils are provided with opportunities to visit live theatre productions.

The Department participates fully in the School Achievement Point system and also issues formal commendation for exceptional achievements.