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Meet the SEND Department 

SEND Department Roles and Responsibilities

SENCO – Mrs Vivien Rouse, BA (Hons) PGCE; NASENCO   / 01432 850416

Role: To co-ordinate all aspects of SEN provision across the school.  Mrs Rouse is your first point of contact should you have any concerns about your child’s learning needs.

Student Interventions Manager – Mrs Lilly Rogers /01432 850416

Role:  To plan, organise, track and assess effectiveness of all interventions for pupils with SEND, including liaising with staff, students and parents.

Student Services Manager – Mrs Jo Hayden / 01432 850416

Role: To oversee the wellbeing and be the first point of contact and support for all pupils with SEMH needs, including all children in the looked after system (CLA).  Mrs Hayden has specific liaison with the SENCO with regard to all children who are in the care of the Local Authority and who also have SEND.  (Mrs Hayden’s role also overlaps into the safeguarding team).

Teaching Assistant Team Leader – Mrs Amanda Fortey

Role: To oversee the day-to-day management of our large team of Teaching Assistants and HLTAs.

Administrator – Mrs Helen Sagers / 01432 850416

Role: To ensure that the wide variety of SEN communications and administration is kept up to date and completed in a timely fashion.

A large team of Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Higher-Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs)

A growing team of teaching assistants, most in full-time positions, work in a variety of supporting roles across the school. These include classroom-based support, one-to-one / small group catch-up work and specialist provision for specific needs.

The Careers Team

Careers Adviser & Head of Careers - Mrs Abby Pattison-Wake

Careers Administration Assistant - Mrs Amanda Tasker

The careers team work closely with the school SENCO, CLA Coordinator, Heads of Year and form tutors to provide targeted support for vulnerable and disadvantaged students. The Careers Adviser interviews selected students upon request in years 7-10 and offers additional support in year 11. We also work with outside organisations to raise aspirations and increase participation in Higher Education from young people from under-represented groups.